The Deadliest Animal in the World



What would you say is the most dangerous animal on Earth? Sharks? Snakes? Humans?

Of course the answer depends on how you define dangerous. Personally I’ve had a thing about sharks since the first time I saw Jaws. But if you’re judging by how many people are killed by an animal every year, then the answer isn’t any of the above. It’s mosquitoes.

When it comes to killing humans, no other animal even comes close. Considering their impact, you might expect mosquitoes to get more attention than they do.

Take a look:

  • Sharks kill fewer than a dozen people every year and in the U.S. they get a week dedicated to them on TV every year.
  • Mosquitoes kill 50,000 times as many people, but if there’s a TV channel that features Mosquito Week, I haven’t heard about it.




Courtesy of CoolInfoGraphics:

Michele Bachmann says kindred spirit is… John Wayne Gacy?


You can see the resemblance to John Wayne Gacy right around the eyes.

This morning, while in Iowa to announce her candidacy for president, Michele Bachmann made a play for local brownie points by comparing herself to one of the town’s native sons, John Wayne.
But John Wayne was from Winterset, Iowa. And the John Wayne from Waterloo is actually killer clown John Wayne Gacy.


Speaking on the front lawn of a quaint little home, Bachmann told a Fox News reporter, “John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.”

But The Duke is actually from a town about three hours away. The only famous John Wayne from Waterloo was one of the most deranged murderers in American history — the “Killer Clown” himself, John Wayne Gacy.
